Win Big in Router's StakeDrop

Earn DROPS by staking your $ROUTE

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25 July - 1 August

Reward Pool:

833,250 $ROUTE

+ Ecosystem Airdrops


2 August - 24 October

Reward Pool:

Upto 13,332,000 $ROUTE

+ Ecosystem Airdrops

Ecosystem Airdrops From


For season 1 all rewards are on top of regular staking yields

Know More

Your DROPS Decide Your Rewards

The more you stake and the longer you stake, the more DROPS you earn

Seasonal Rewards

Stake 100 $ROUTE to earn 1 DROP per day

Compounding Loyalty Bonus

Your DROPS increase by 2% daily if you do not withdraw your staked $ROUTE, compounding daily

Ecosystem Airdrops

Earn Ecosystem Airdrops–Tokens of Stakease and FolioX based on your DROP points

Growth Curve of Compounded DROPS

See How Your DROPS Grow Exponentially


Chart showing the cumulative total DROPS over 83 days with daily compounding of the 2% loyalty bonus, starting from an initial stake of 100 ROUTE. This is applicable for Season 1 only.

The power to maximize your
rewards is in your hands.


What is the StakeDrop Campaign?

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What is the conversion rate for old $ROUTE tokens?

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How does the StakeDrop Campaign work?

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What are the timelines for the StakeDrop Campaign?

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What is Season 0?

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What is Season 1?

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How does the reward pool increase in Season 1?

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What are DROPS?

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How do I earn DROPS?

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What is the Loyalty Bonus?

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Will I earn DROPS in Season 0?

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Can you provide an example of how DROPS are compounded?

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What is Staking APR?

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When can I withdraw my staked $ROUTE?

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Can I still participate if I missed Season 0?

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What is the impact of withdrawing tokens on the compounding bonus?

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Can I maximize my DROPS without withdrawing?

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What are Ecosystem Rewards?

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How are Ecosystem Rewards calculated?

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When will I receive my boosted rewards and airdrops?

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What happens after the StakeDrop Campaign ends?

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Where can I find more information about the StakeDrop campaign?

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